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Conservation Commission Agenda 7/21/11

Becket Conservation Commission
557 Main Road Becket Town Hall
July 21, 2011 6:30 PM

1.      Continued Notice of Intent Conservation Group, Inc. Barry Fogel, Esq.
        Center Pond Dam  Map 210 Lots 28, 30, 34  Maintenance, repair and
        improvement of Center Pond Dam

2.      Notice of Intent Keith Tremblay 31 Lyman Street  Map 206 Lot 27  DEP #102-
        0373    Repair of septic system

3.      Request for Determination of Applicability Gilles Beaudoin 11 Lancelot Lane  
        Map 217 Lot 76  Installation of a shed/garage in the buffer zone of Lancelot Lake

4.      Request for Determination of Applicability  Robert Harris 169 Old Pond Road
        Map 210 Lot 36.2  Repair of existing stone wall within the buffer zone of
        Center Pond

5.      Amended Order of Conditions  Judith and Barry Dichter  Tyne Road  Map 203
        Lot 50.3  Construction of a pervious crushed stone pathway to Yokum Pond and
        minor site work  within the buffer zone of Yokum Pond

6.      Request for Determination of Applicability  Alan Rothstein 203 Moberg Rd.
        Map 218 Lot 57  Extension of an existing screened porch within the buffer zone
        of bordering vegetated wetlands

7.      Request for Certificate of Compliance  Cynthia Ciccone  436 Sherwood Drive
        Map 215 Lot 190  

8.      Administrative/other business